Bees & SPIRO®

Bees are vital for humanity and all life on our planet

This fascinating animal helps us produce around 75% of the world’s food, over 90 of the crops we consume worldwide

During the last couple of decades, the bee population has declined. The reasons for this are multiple, and, according to studies, electrosmog could be one of them. Electrosmog is a type of pollution generated by electronic devices and telecommunication signals. It can be defined as a set of electromagnetic interferences that affects health and the environment, while also obstructing the performance of electronics and the quality of wireless signals.

Bees are one of the species most severely affected by this type of pollution. Numerous studies suggest that the interferences electrosmog contain could be influencing the colony collapse disorder. 

Also, as they are naturally oriented following the earth’s magnetic field, this type of pollution may be affecting their delicate magnetoreception, thus making their navigation more difficult. Some scientists have pointed out how this environmental factor could also be affecting their “waggle dance”, a typical bee communication method that is vital for their survival.

For more than 80 years, the possible effects of electrosmog on the environment and different animal species have been studied and warned about, with special emphasis on bees in recent years.

Likewise, the influence that these interferences could have on the automated control and monitoring systems that are gradually being implemented in many apiaries around the world has been mentioned.

Most people still do not understand the huge importance of this little yet vital animal, which plays a huge role in our sustainability. Every day, we do our part by raising awareness on this matter and contributing to protecting them against one of those many factors that endanger them.

Scientific References about Bees & EMF

Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields impair the Cognitive and Motor Abilities of Honey Bees (2018)
Disturbing Honeybees’ Behavior with Electromagnetic Waves: a Methodology (2017)
Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) in Honey Bees Caused by EMF Radiation  (2018)
Increased aggression and reduced aversive learning in honey bees exposed to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (2019)
Bees, Birds and Mankind: Destroying Nature by Electrosmog (2007)
Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure of Western Honey Bees (2020)

NOXTAK® Center, our scientific partner, endorsing this initiative to protect Bees, has developed a specific solution to protect beehives from the harmful effects of EMFs.

Spin Radiation Organizer Technology

EMF protection system

Protects bees from the harmful effects associated with exposure to electrosmog, while allowing apiaries monitoring and control systems to work at their peak performance.

Do you want to do your part?

If you are a farmer, you own an apiary, or are just an individual/represent an organization that wants to protect bees by using SPIRO®, you can leave us a message here.

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