EFEIA Foundation

Electropollution-Free Environments International Accreditation

We are the EFEIA Foundation

The Electropollution-Free Environments International Accreditation (EFEIA) Foundation is a global organization dedicated to promoting electromagnetically healthy environments. We work to reduce exposure to electromagnetic pollution, fostering spaces that support human well-being and environmental sustainability. Our work is grounded in over 4,000 scientific papers and international health evaluations carried out over the last four decades.  We recognize that we are witnessing an unprecedented technological convergence, where advances in fields such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), nanotechnology, genetics, quantum computing, telecommunications, electronics, IoT (Internet of Things), automation, robotics, and medicine are shaping a hyperconnected world. However, the long-term impacts of this rapid evolution remain uncertain, particularly concerning electropollution.

Our Mission

Our mission is to set and uphold the highest standards for reducing human and environmental exposure to electromagnetic pollution. Through accreditations, research, and advocacy, we empower individuals, businesses, and communities to build safer living and working environments free from excessive electropollution.Modern life exposes us to continuous electromagnetic interference from digital devices, telecommunications infrastructure, and artificial light from screens we use daily. As AI and emerging technologies continue to evolve, EFEIA advocates for solutions that prioritize human health. This includes AI-driven predictive models that help monitor, analyze, mitigate, and control electromagnetic pollution, ensuring that future networks—including 5G and beyond—align with biologically compatible electromagnetic principles.

Our Scientific Foundation

The EFEIA Foundation aligns its research and recommendations with global scientific findings, such as those from the WHO and IARC. These evaluations serve as a benchmark for understanding the risks associated with electromagnetic pollution. The 2002 IARC Monograph 80 classified low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) as “possibly carcinogenic” due to links to childhood leukemia, while the 2013 IARC Monograph 102 reinforced concerns regarding radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF), particularly their potential link to gliomas and other cancers.

Both reports highlight the importance of adopting the precautionary principle when it comes to prolonged EMF exposure. These classifications underscore the need for further research, risk mitigation strategies, and policies aimed at protecting public health from electromagnetic and artificial light pollution.

Our Commitment

We adhere to the ALARA principle (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) to minimize EMF pollution and artificial light exposure while fostering healthier environments. Through rigorous research, education, and policy recommendations, we are committed to creating a world where individuals can thrive in harmony with technology—without compromising their well-being.

What We Do

The EFEIA Foundation, along with the EFEIA Institute, leads the development of science-backed standards and accreditations to help individuals and organizations reduce exposure to both electropollution and artificial light emissions. Our key initiatives include:

EHS Global Census

Apiary Protection Project

Electromagnetic Risk Assessment Project

Continuous Education About Youth Exposure

Automotive Research Project

Join the Movement for a Cleaner, Healthier Future

Creating a healthier, electromagnetically balanced world requires collective action. Whether you’re an individual, a business, or a policymaker, you can help drive the change toward safer environments.

To learn more about EFEIA and how you can get involved, contact us.